If you have turned Allow shell commands on, you can start the shell now: extras/awebshell.rexx.
A window is opened. In this window, you can type ARexx commands which will be executed by AWeb. If the command returns a value in the reserved variable RESULT, the value is displayed.
If you want the command to return its result in another variable, or needs a
stem variable, use the VAR or STEM argument as defined for the command. You can
use any variable name, except names that start with "S_
To display the contents of a single variable, use the command:
-v variableTo display the contents of a stem variable, use:
-s stem name name...stem is the name of the stem variable; name are the names of the items in the array of structured information.
Other special commands you can use in the shell window are:
-a port_number
| Switches the addressed port to
"AWeb.port_number ".
| Opens a new window and displays the command list. If the window is still open from the previous time this command was used, that window is used again. |
| Displays a few lines explaining the special commands. |
| Exits the shell. |